Hajj Draw
Hajj draw announced 63000 successful applicants from Pakistan
In a significant announcement, Pakistan’s Caretaker Religious Affairs Minister, Aneeq Ahmed, declared the results of the Hajj draw on Thursday, revealing the fortunate names among more than 63,000 applicants chosen for the sacred pilgrimage to Makkah under the government scheme.

Hajj, a mandatory pilgrimage for every financially and physically capable Muslim adult, sees millions of faithful from around the world converge on the holy sites each year. The Pakistani religious affairs ministry plays a crucial role by conducting an annual Hajj draw to select successful applicants for this spiritual journey.
According to the official statement from Radio Pakistan, 69,438 applications were received under the Regular Hajj Scheme, with 63,805 emerging successful in the balloting process. For the 5,633 applicants who were not selected, a waiting list has been prepared, organized according to their cities of departure.
What makes this year’s Hajj draw particularly noteworthy is the introduction of the Hajj sponsorship scheme. This innovative initiative allows overseas Pakistanis to apply for Hajj or sponsor someone in Pakistan for the pilgrimage by making payments in US dollars. In return, these applicants are exempted from participating in the traditional balloting process.
The deadline for applications under the government’s Hajj sponsorship scheme is set for December 31, providing an extended opportunity for those eager to undertake the pilgrimage without the uncertainty of the draw.
In a positive move, Saudi Arabia has restored Pakistan’s pre-coronavirus Hajj quota to 179,210 pilgrims for the upcoming year. Furthermore, the lifting of the upper age limit of 65 years to perform the pilgrimage is expected to enable more individuals to fulfill this religious obligation.
It is worth noting that more than 81,000 Pakistani pilgrims embarked on the Hajj journey under the government scheme in 2023, while others opted for private tour operators.
As the nation eagerly awaits the annual pilgrimage, the Hajj 2024 draw stands as a testament to the government’s efforts to streamline the process and introduce novel approaches to facilitate the spiritual journey for its citizens, both within the country and abroad. The Hajj sponsorship scheme, in particular, reflects a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility for all those aspiring to fulfill this sacred obligation.